2016 June SAP Official New Released C_EPMBPC_10 Q&As in GreatExam.com!

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Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)

Which function do you use to calculate variances?

A.    EPMComparison
B.    EPMExecuteAPI
C.    EPMMemberOffset
D.    EPMMemberProperty

Answer: A

Where do you activate the parameter that is used to automatically refresh the input form when you open it (input forms and report)?

A.    EPM – User option
B.    EPM – Command display options
C.    EPM – context options
D.    EPM – sheet options

Answer: D

Which properties are required to carry out currency translation for legal consolidation(models)?

A.    CURRENCY in the entity type dimension
B.    RATETYPE in the account type dimension
C.    RATE_YEAR in the category dimension
D.    RATE_PERIOD in the category dimension

Answer: AB

You use the INC account type for revenue accounts and the EXP account type for expense accounts. What is displayed in a planning and consolidation report when reports are stored as negative values and expenses are stored as positive values(dimensions)?

A.    Positive revenue values
B.    Negative expense values
C.    Positive expense values
D.    Negative revenue values

Answer: AC

When does the DEFAULT.LGF logic script run?

A.    When data is sent from an input form
B.    When data is refreshed
C.    When business rules are executed
D.    When table-based logic is executed

Answer: A

How do you model cost center rollups by profit center(dimension)?

A.    Create a cost center hierarchy by profit center
B.    Create a user-defined dimension for the profit center
C.    Create a user-defined dimension for the cost center
D.    Create a profit center hierarchy by cost center

Answer: A

Which of the following interfaces can you use when you define actions using the business process flow templates.

A.    EMP Office Add-in Excel
B.    BW Apllication server
C.    EPM Office Add-in word
D.    Planning and consolidation administration
E.    Journals

Answer: ACD

Which step is mandatory if you want to check the data integrity of the incoming records(administration)?

A.    Assign a driver dimension to the validation rule
B.    Activate the validations for the environment
C.    Implement a BADI
D.    Configure controls

Answer: C

Which of the following rules are based on business rules (models)?

A.    Elimination and adjustment
B.    Currency translation
C.    Allocation
D.    Account-based calculation
E.    Driver-based calculation

Answer: ABD

What is entered in the group account when you configure AR/AP intercompany eliminations and adjustment business rule?

A.    the intercompany AR account
B.    the offset account
C.    the intercompany AP account
D.    the same value as in the destination minority account

Answer: B

All SAP C_EPMBPC_10 exam questions are the new checked and updated! In recent years, the C_EPMBPC_10 certification has become a global standard for many successful IT companies. Want to become a certified SAP professional? Download GreatExam 2016 latest released C_EPMBPC_10 exam dumps full version and pass C_EPMBPC_10 100%!

2016 SAP C_EPMBPC_10 exam dumps (All 189 Q&As) from GreatExam:

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