2016 June SAP Official New Released C_BOSUP_90 Q&As in GreatExam.com!
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Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)
What can be considered a corrective action for a critical issue?
A. The customer was contacted within the Service Level Agreement (SLA).
B. The assessment of the situation has been completed.
C. The incident was acknowledged by its processor.
D. A workaround has been provided to the customer.
Answer: D
When you have reached a limit in processing a message what would be helpful for you to move forward?
A. Send the customer as much documentation as possible so they can find the solution themselves.
B. Take as much time as you need to think about the customer’s issue on your own.
C. Good working relationships with colleagues with whom you can share and discuss ideas.
D. Call the customer and tell them that you cannot progress their message.
Answer: C
You are trying to process a customer message. However, the available information is insufficient for a complete understanding. What will be your next step? (Choose two)
A. Try to guess what the customer might want to have.
B. Contact the customer to define the missing information.
C. Send notes to customer based on your assumptions.
D. Get confirmation from the customer that your interpretation of the message is correct.
Answer: BD
What should be done if an SAP EarlyWatch Alert report has a red rating? (Choose two)
A. Support will come on site to apply the recommendation.
B. When notified, the partner support organization should contact the customer.
C. The customer should implement the recommendation within the report.
D. Nothing, the recommendation will be implemented automatically.
Answer: BC
What are the technical requirements for SAP EarlyWatch Alert? (Choose two)
A. Data Collectors should be stopped.
B. A working network connection.
C. Profile parameters should be left at default values.
D. The RFC destination SAPOSS should be set up.
Answer: BD
What is recommended communication behavior if a message has a long life cycle?
A. Sorry for the time taken but I was working on a more important customer’s issue.
B. I am going to be on holiday for two weeks please wait until I get back.
C. I need to work with my manager to get a plan around how to get a solution.
D. I am the only person with this skill so it cannot be escalated.
Answer: C
What is SAP PartnerEdge?
A. A product oriented on business processes of small and midsize companies.
B. A platform to implement, support, operate and monitor your enterprise solutions.
C. A tool integrated in SAP Solution Manager.
D. A program for SAP Channel partners focused on small and midsize companies.
Answer: D
A message processor decides to send a message to SAP. What action should be taken from the Solution Manager Service desk?
A. Increase the priority of the message to speed up response time from SAP
B. Select Get information for SAP and then select the Text Ids to be forwarded to SAP
C. Set the message status to In Process
D. Set the message status to Update Message with SAP
Answer: B
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